Monthly Archives: February 2023


10 Popular Questions Asked When Interviewing for a Remote Job

Working remotely offers many benefits over having to schlep into an office every day. However, working from home also offers some unique challenges. Overall, interviews for remote jobs are not all that different from in-person meetings, with the exception of the questions you can expect the interviewer to ask you. Employers are very aware

2023-01-29T18:45:34+00:00February 12th, 2023|

7 Tips for Building an Impactful Programming Portfolio

While your CV or resume is part of the overall picture, a programming portfolio must showcase all of your marketable skills, talents, and experiences. A high-quality, well-thought-out portfolio can make all the difference to potential employers by providing them with a clear picture of how you can add value to their studios. The best

2023-01-29T18:30:12+00:00February 7th, 2023|
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