Monthly Archives: November 2020


The Value of Partnering with A Gaming & Technology Recruiting Firm

Finding qualified candidates has become increasingly more challenging in the video game and core technology realms. Without a broad personal talent network, the chances of building your dream team without the assistance of a specialized recruiting firm become remote. Recruiting firms provide convenience and peace of mind into the hiring process by quickly identifying and

2021-03-22T16:42:01+00:00November 16th, 2020|

Perfecting Your Art & Design Portfolio

Before you even think about applying for a creative position in the games industry, your portfolio needs to be buttoned down with all the latest and greatest work you can show.  Whether you’re working through a recruiting firm or applying to a studio directly, your portfolios are your resumes, and as such, should receive the

2021-06-15T18:12:26+00:00November 10th, 2020|
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