Monthly Archives: June 2021


Top Tips for Job Searching in the Games Industry: Episode 3

Job Search Tip #3: Showcase your results  Alex Caldwell, recruiter and account manager with Digital Artist Management (DAM), shares her advice on searching for jobs in the video game industry. Alex will be sharing even more tips on her new YouTube series to help job seekers in the gaming industry improve their chances of getting

2021-06-29T19:39:39+00:00June 29th, 2021|

Top Tips for Job Searching in The Games Industry: Episode 2

Job Search Tip #2: Focus on Numbers Alex Caldwell, recruiter and account manager with Digital Artist Management (DAM), shares her advice on searching for jobs in the video game industry. Alex will be sharing even more tips on her new YouTube series to help job seekers in the gaming industry improve their chances of getting

2021-06-29T19:25:21+00:00June 22nd, 2021|

Top Tips for Job Searching in The Games Industry: Episode 1

Alex Caldwell, recruiter and account manager with Digital Artist Management (DAM), shares her advice on searching for jobs in the video game industry. Alex will be sharing even more tips on her new LinkedIn series to help job seekers in the gaming industry improve their chances of getting hired for positions while avoiding inevitable mistakes

2021-06-08T20:19:29+00:00June 8th, 2021|
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